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Ohios's Promise Keepers
856 Irving Pk Blvd. Sheffield Lake, OH 44054
(419) 602-4425
Powered by rugged individualists pursing exceptionalism
How do we end gerrymandering in Ohio, close Ohio Primaries, and gain greater faith in elections?
Politicians taking the commitment to hold themselves accountable.
A policy think-tank
How to run a successful campaign.

Jon Morrow is the executive director of the Ohio Promise Keepers Organization. Jon is an economist, policy expert on State and Federal subjects, political campaign consultant, small business consultant, website designer, and graphic artist. After extensive work with the Texas Republican Party and Republican Party of Florida Jon is helping to create reform within Ohio's corrupt Republican Party system.

Patty Gascoyne Morrow is the Marketing Director and Event Coordinator of the Ohio Promise Keepers Organization. Patty is a seasoned campaign consultant helping conservative win election. Patty has worked on many issue based and candidate based campaigns and is passionate about reforming the Ohio Republican Party.